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greens+ (360 capsules) by Genuine Health

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Just one serving daily provides a synergistic blend of over 23 plant-based essential nutrients. Highly alkaline-forming and rich in antioxidants, greens+ nourishes and protects your body, increases energy, promotes healthier bones – and much more.

Recommended Use: To increase your energy and well-being

Adult Dosage: Take 4 capsules 3 times daily. If you are a new user of greens+ begin with 4 capsules daily and gradually increase to 12 capsules daily over a 3 week period. Do not take on empty stomach. Consult a health care practitioner for use beyond 3 months.


Amount (per 12 capsules)
Lecithin (97% oil-free; soybean; 26% phosphatidylcholine) / Lécithine (exempte d’huile à 97 %; soya; 26 % de phosphatidylcholine) 2,171 mg
Spirulina cells / Cellules de spiruline (Anthrospira platensis) 1,450 mg
Apple fruit / Pomme (Malus domestica) 1,033 mg
Organic barley grass / Herbe d’orge biologique (Hordeum vulgare) 734 mg
Organic alfalfa grass / Herbe de luzerne biologique (Medicago sativa) 383 mg
Organic wheat grass / Herbe de blé biologique (Triticum aestivum) 383 mg
Chlorella (cracked cell wall) / Chlorelle (paroi cellulaire micro-éclatée) (Chlorella vulgaris) 383 mg
Organic soy sprouts / Pousses de soya biologique (Glycine max) 383 mg
Organic whole brown rice kernel / Grain de riz brun entier biologique (Oryza sativa) 383 mg
Royal jelly standardized to 5% 10-HDA / Gelée royale normalisée à 5 % de 10-HAD 150 mg
Bee pollen / Pollen d’abeille (Apis mellifera) 150 mg
Licorice root extract standardized to 10% glycyrrhizin (5:1 = 580 mg) / Extrait de racine de réglisse normalisé à 10 % de glycyrrhizine (5:1 = 580 mg) (Glycyrrhiza uralensis) 116 mg
Acerola berry juice extract standardized to 18% Vitamin C / Extrait de jus de baies d’acérola normalisé à 18 % de vitamine C (Malpighia glabra) 115 mg
FOS (fructooligossacharides) (from chicory root; / issus de racine de chicorée [Cichorium intybus]) 100 mg
Eight bacterial cultures / Huit cultures bactériennes : 100 mg
Lactobacillus helveticus (R0052) 0.19 billion cfu / 0,19 milliard d’UFC
Lactobacillus rhamnosus (R0011) 0.43 billion cfu / 0,43 milliard d’UFC
Lactobacillus casei (R0215) 0.09 billion cfu / 0,09 milliard d’UFC
Lactobacillus plantarum (R1012) 0.09 billion cfu / 0,09 milliard d’UFC
Lactobacillus salivarius (R0078) 0.04 billion cfu / 0,04 milliard d’UFC
Bifidobacterium longum (R0175) 0.04 billion cfu / 0,04 milliard d’UFC
Bifidobacterium bifidum (R0071) 0.04 billion cfu / 0,04 milliard d’UFC
Bifidobacterium breve (R0070) 0.24 billion cfu / 0,24 milliard d’UFC
Siberian ginseng root extract standardized to 0.8% eleutherosides (28:1 = 1,680 mg) / Extrait de racine de ginseng de Sibérie normalisé à 0,8 % d’éleuthérosides (28:1 = 1 680 mg) (Eleutherococcus senticosus) 60 mg
Milk thistle seed extract standardized to 86% silymarin (40:1= 2,400 mg) / Extrait de graine de chardon-Marie normalisé à 86 % de silymarine (40:1 = 2 400 mg) (Silybum marianum L.) 60 mg
Organic red beet root / Racine de betterave rouge biologique (Beta vulgaris) 43 mg
Atlantic dulse seaweed / Petit goémon de l’Atlantique (Palmaria palmata) 33 mg
Ginkgo biloba L. leaf extract standardized to 24% ginkgo flavonglycosides and 6% terpene lactones (50:1 = 1,000 mg) / Extrait de feuille de ginkgo biloba normalisé à 24 % de glycosides flavonoïdes de ginkgo et à 6 % de terpéno-lactones (50:1 = 1 000 mg) 20 mg
Japanese green tea leaf extract standardized to 90% polyphenols (20:1 = 300 mg) / Extrait de feuille de thé vert du Japon normalisé à 90 % de polyphénols (20:1 = 300 mg) (Camellia sinensis L.) 15 mg
European bilberry extract standardized to 25% anthocyanidins (100:1 = 1,000 mg)/ Extrait de myrtille européenne normalisé à 25 % d’anthocyanidines (100:1 = 1 000 mg) (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) 10 mg
Grape extract standardized to 95% proanthocyanidins and 200 ppm resveratrol (500:1 = 2,500 mg) / Extrait de raisin normalisé à 95 % de proanthocyanidines et à 200 ppm de resvératrol (500:1 = 2 500 mg) (Vitis vinifera) 5 mg

Non-medicinal Ingredients: Whole Stevia rebaudiana leaf.

Allergy Alert: May contain skim milk as part of probiotic culture.

greens+ contains no artificial colours, flavours or sweeteners. NON-IRRADIATED.

Caution: Not to be taken by children, during pregnancy, while breastfeeding, by those on medication or with chronic health problems unless under the recommendation of a health care practitioner. Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you have nausea, fever, vomiting, bloody diarrhoea or severe abdominal pain. Do not use if you have gastrointestinal blockage. Discontinue use and consult a health care practitioner if symptoms of digestive upset occur, persist or worsen beyond 3 days. Use with caution if allergic to bee products.

For maximum freshness, keep refrigerated after opening.


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