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1:1 Nutrition Counselling

Personalized one-on-one nutrition counseling sessions via video chat, phone, or email.

The sessions could cover a range of topics, including meal planning, healthy eating habits, food intolerances, and managing specific health conditions (adrenal fatigue, diabetes, migraines, PCOS, endometriosis, etc.)

Virtual nutrition consultations offer a convenient and effective way to receive professional personalized nutrition counseling from the comfort of your own home. With the support of a registered nutritionist, you can make sustainable changes to your diet and lifestyle that will help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

Price list:

  • Individual Initial Assessment (about 2 hrs) – $300
  • Individual Follow-Up Sessions (about 30-60 min) – $100
  • Couples Initial Assessment (about 2-3 hrs) – $450
  • Couples Follow Up Sessions (1-1.5 hrs) – $150

How it works

Initial Consultation: The initial consultation is an opportunity for me to get to know you and gather information about your health history, lifestyle, dietary habits, and goals. This consultation can be done over the phone or through video conferencing, depending on your preference.

Assessment and Goal-Setting: Using the information gathered during the initial consultation, I will assess your current dietary habits and identify areas for improvement. Based on your goals and preferences, I will work with you to create a personalized nutrition plan that is tailored to your specific needs.

Follow-Up Consultations: Follow-up consultations are an important part of the nutrition counseling process, as they allow me to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to the nutrition plan. These consultations can be done on a regular basis, such as weekly or bi-weekly, and can be done virtually through phone or video conferencing.

Ongoing Support: Nutrition counseling doesn’t end after the initial consultations are completed. I will provide ongoing support throughout your journey, offering guidance, motivation, and accountability to help you reach your goals. This support can be provided through phone or email, depending on your preference.

Please be honest & as specific as possible
