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DigestMAX Ultra (60 capsules) by Advanced Naturals

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DigestMAX ULTRA is a therapeutic strength enzyme formula designed for those whose digestive problems are chronic and occur on a daily basis, or are serious in nature.

DigestMAX Ultra – Each capsule contains

DigestMAX ULTRA Enzyme Blend . . . . . . . . . . . .655mg
     Protease 100,000 HUT
     Amylase 25,000 DU
     Lipase 18,750 LU
     Lactase 1,200 ALU
     Cellulase 1,500 CU
     Invertase 250 SU
     Glucoamylase 50 AG
     Alpha Galactosidase 500 GAL
     Beta Glucanase 25 BGU
     Xylanase 550 XU
     Hemicellulase 30 HCU
     Pectinase 45 ADJU
     Phytase 5 U
     Papain 50,000 PU

Other Ingredients: Vegetable capsules
Excipients: None

No dairy, wheat, gluten, soy, corn, yeast, animal products, additives or preservatives.

Warning: Do not use if pregnant, nursing, or after recent surgery. Do not use if you have a peptic ulcer. Do not exceed recommended dose. Keep out of reach of children.

How It Works

When DigestMAX ULTRA is taken with a meal, it works to break down food products into their smallest usable components (nutrients). This allows the body to absorb the maximum amount of nutrients from your meal. When food is effectively broken down, the overall function of the digestive system is improved, including a reduction in the amount of gas produced.

DigestMAX ULTRA contains digestive enzymes. Enzymes are catalysts for chemical reactions within the body. Without them, food is not broken down properly. Many people do not produce enough enzymes, therefore they are unable to absorb all of the nutrients from the food they are eating. This leads to symptoms such as gas, bloating, heartburn, constipation, and is the first step toward more chronic disease.

DigestMAX ULTRA contains enzymes which address every type of food group including; proteins, fats, carbohydrates, dairy, plant and vegetable material cellulose), and sugars. The elements in DigestMAX ULTRA enhance digestion beyond what the body is normally capable of. This combination of enzymes functions under the whole range of gastric pH’s from 2-14. DigestMAX ULTRA also includes the enzymes Phytase and Pectinase, which break down harmful phytates, which can cause malabsorption. Phytates are found in seeds, grains, and beans. Phytates have been shown in clinical studies to block the absorption of many minerals, especially calcium. This can be problematic for vegetarians, as these foods are staples in their diet. By breaking down phytates, DigestMAX Ultra eliminates this problem. DigestMAX Ultra also contains the enzymes Cellulase, Hemicellulase and Xylanase which the human body is unable to produce. These enzymes break down plant fibres, which cause gas and bloating.

If undigested foods reach the large intestine, it becomes fuel for the “bad” bacteria in your intestinal tract. These “bad” bacteria will putrefy the undigested food, releasing volatile fatty acids and gasses that cause bloating and often foul smelling gas. If you provide your body with enough enzymes to break down all of your food, then the “bad” bacteria will have nothing to ‘eat’, and bloating and gas diminish.

Directions For Use

Take 1 capsule with each meal. DigestMAX ULTRA should be taken on an ongoing basis to improve digestion.

What To Expect

People usually take DigestMAX ULTRA because they have chronic digestive upset (severe gas, bloating, or upset stomach). DigestMAX ULTRA helps you to break down much more of the food that you eat and as a result there are reduced symptoms of indigestion. In some cases, more energy will be felt because you are absorbing more nutrients from your diet.


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