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Inhaler: Salt-Air (Inhaler) by Symphony Natural Health

Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $40.49.

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The Salt Air Inhaler, or Salt Pipe is a convenient, drug-free and non-invasive device for enjoying the health benefits of salt air therapy. The use of salt for therapeutic treatment of asthma and other respiratory ailments, is nothing new. Halotherapy (Halo=Salt in Greek), and Speleo-therapy (Speleos=Cave), are well known in Europe. Both treatments fall under the category of physical therapy, or drug-free treatment of disease. Salt inhalation was recommended by Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, who applied the age-old method of inhaling the steam from boiling saltwater.

Daily Use of the Salt Air Inhaler For Several Minutes Can:
-Ease Breathing
-Support Rehabilitation & Asthma Treatments of the Respiratory System
-Clean the Respiratory System

Benefits of Daily Use:
Breathing through our new porcelain-ceramic Salt Air Inhaler for just 15-20 minutes daily draws air across our 250 million year old mineral-rich granules of Original Himalayan Crystal Salt, the beneficial effects of which reaches the very microscopic aspect of the respiratory system and can help to resolve breathing problems which may be caused by:
– Allergies
– Pollen & Other Allergies
– Asthma
– Sinus Problem, Rhinitis
– Influenza & Other Infections
– Smoking
– Bronchitis, Chest Infections
– Chronic Cough and Sore Throats
– Breathing Difficulty
– Respiratory Problems Caused by Smoking
– Dehydrating, Recycled Air Aboard Airlines

Breathe through the porcelain-ceramic Salt Air Inhaler for just 15-20 minutes daily


Course Granulated Original Himalayan Crystal Salt.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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