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Xenobiotic Test Kit (Kit 54 Vials) by Professional Formulas

Original price was: $141.00.Current price is: $126.89.

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Xenobiotic (“Zee-no-biotics”) is a foreign chemical substance not produced by the body. Xenobiotics are engineered to assist bodily detoxification of the increased toxic load our environment brings. Each combination provides an array of isodes along with classical remedies and other attenuated agents relevant to the intoxication or infection addressed by the product.

Homeopathic support to aid in drainage and relief of pesticide, insecticide, and food additive exposure.

Recommended Use:

Follow directions on the label, or as directed by a healthcare professional.

Ingredients: Arctium lappa 3X, Taraxacum officinale 3X, Plantago major 3X, Carduus marianus 6X, Food colorings 12X, MSG 12X, Diazinon 30X, Cyclohexanol 30X, Endosulfan 30X, 2.4.5-TEster 30X, Aldicarb 30X, Dichlorvos methoxychlor 30X, Pentachlorophenol 30X, purified water, 20% USP alcohol.



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