By invigorating and regulating Yang (digestive metabolism), and adjusting the functions of the Kidney and Spleen, these herbs aid the elimination of undigested food, surplus fluid, Damp Heat, and Phlegm (reducing excess fat in blood and tissue).
Indications (Symptoms):
_Helps maintain a consistent weight
_Soothes occasional water retention and edema
_Helps relieve occasional constipation or difficult urination
_Supports a healthy metabolism
The average dose is 1-2 cc of solution, or approximately 20-30 drops, 2-3 times per day. Due to the efficiency of the double water-alcohol extraction process, 60-90 drops (2-3 cc) taken daily is equivalent to 1-2 cups (250-500 cc) of water decoction, the generally recommended daily dose.
For babies or young children, add the entire daily dose to 1 oz of boiling water to evaporate the alcohol, then add 3 oz of fruit juice or cereal with honey, maple syrup, or raw sugar to mask the taste. Total daily amount may be divided into 4-6 individual doses.
Pinyin Name
-Common Name
Ze xie
-Asian water plantain rhizome
Zhi zi shan
-Gardenia fruit
Fu ling
Zhu ling
-Zhu ling sclerotium
Shi jun zi
-Quisqualis fruit
Yi yi ren
-Jobs tears seed
Dong gua pi
-Winter melon peel
Bai zhu
-White atractylodes rhizome
Mu gua
-Chinese quince fruit
Wu zhu yu
-Evodia unripe fruit
Gan jiang pi
-Dried ginger peel
Zhi shi
-Bitter orange immature fruit
Gan cao
-Chinese licorice root
For a stronger and more rapid effect, the formulas should be taken on an empty stomach. For those with more sensitive stomachs, doses should be taken with food or after meals (this moderates the herbs effects and rate of absorption).
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